Kyung-ok-ko is the first prescription to appear in the new edition of Donguibogam, and from the perspective of what we commonly refer to as restorative medicine and health.
I end up taking a lot of Kyung-ok-ko!
Let me tell you specifically what ingredients Kyung-ok-ko contains and what effects it has!
Stories related to Kyung-ok-ko
One of the three major health remedies that have been around for a thousand years!
Kyung-ok-ko is one of the health care methods introduced in the Hong Clan Jipheonbang (1120-1174) during the Southern Song Dynasty in China!
That first one!
It is said that Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, mourned Kyung-ok-ko. It is said that Kublai Khan, who was always interested in his health, also paid a lot of attention to what he ate. That's why he lived to be 79 years old and had 18 children!
In the case of our country, there is a record in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty that the king gave Kyung-ok-ko to his subjects!
third !
The secret to King Yeongjo’s longevity: King Yeongjo, who lived until the age of 83 during the Joseon Dynasty, is said to have been very interested in health.
Kyung-ok-ko was the health secret of the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty.
What is the composition and manufacturing method of Gyeongokgo?
Its composition is ginseng, bokryeong, rehmannia glutinosa, and honey.
Finely powder ginseng and Bokryeong, mix with honey and Rehmannia glutinosa juice, knead the dough, and boil in a double boiler for 72 hours.
Kyung-ok-ko is made by cooling for 24 hours and then double boiling for another 24 hours.
Because the manufacturing process is difficult, it has long been an expensive medicine used by royal families or given by kings to their subjects.
Description of Gyeongokgo’s ingredients!
Ginseng has the effect of replenishing energy (Daebo Wonki), aiding digestion (Bobigeonwi), and recovering from fatigue (Gotalsaengjin).
Bokryeong has the effect of aiding digestion (bobigeon-wi), reducing edema (dihydrogenous), and allowing the energy of the medicine to circulate well in the body.
Beetroot (honey) has the effect of replenishing insufficient nutrients (nutritious tonic) and harmonizing the effects of medicinal ingredients.
Rehmannia glutinosa has the effect of reducing our body's fever (clearing heat) and replenishing body fluids (consonant). Ginseng nourishes you
If it is a tonic that replenishes, Rehmannia glutinosa can be seen as a tonic that replenishes yin energy.
What are the indications for Kyung-ok-ko?
To give a simple definition of an indication, it refers to a disease or symptom that is expected to be cured by a drug or surgery, etc. In other words, there are diseases/symptoms that can benefit from taking Gyeongokgo.
These are chronic wasting diseases, fatigue, and recovery from major illness.
Gyeongokgo is effective in replenishing exhaustion or low energy!
It is said that in the past, it was widely used for pulmonary tuberculosis.
How to take Kyung-ok-ko and tips for taking it!
The method of taking Kyung-ok-ko is simple!
If it is a stick-type product, you can hold the stick and squeeze it. If you have difficulty squeezing it, put it in a cup and add warm water.
You can mix it and drink it. Or, for those who like alcohol, it is okay to warm up sake or sake and mix it together to have a drink.
Kyung-ok-ko’s tips for taking it!
It's simple!
You can take it once in the morning and evening.
For those who are on a diet, do not skip meals and take Kyung-ok-ko. It is helpful because it reduces hunger and gives you energy!
I take it when I feel low on energy! People who feel fatigued while working or people who have no energy while dieting
It is much better if you take it!!
A modern study on Kyung-ok-ko!
1. Recover from fatigue and improve exercise performance
- Improved cardiorespiratory endurance of athletes
- Inhibits muscle damage and reduces fatigue after exercise (Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2016)
2. Anti-aging effect on skin
- Antioxidant and cell activation effects in cell experiments and clinical trials
- Prevention of skin aging through collagen synthesis (Journal of the Korean Herbal Society 2007)
3. Improves memory and prevents dementia
- Inhibits death of brain cells and improves memory loss
- Improves dementia by inhibiting enzyme activity that decomposes memory-transmitting nerve substances (Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2012)
It is one of the herbal medicines often taken by those preparing for exams or taking exams due to its memory-improving and energy-replenishing effects.
Kyung-ok-ko, I recommend it to these people!
1. People who are tired, chronic fatigue
Recommended for people who are physically tired, such as exercising or working a lot!
2. People on diet
We recommend taking it instead of breakfast when dieting because it can help you feel full, suppress your appetite, and prevent loss of energy!
3. Restorative medicine for health management
Recommended for those who are tired and unable to eat well due to low energy after surgery or treatment for a major illness!